Project Archive

YearProject title
2023 Awareness raising and aftercare in the Natura 2000 site Ziegelteich near Hörtendorf
2023 B.A.U.M. - Trees: All kinds of entrepreneurial opportunities
2023 Calculation of forest hemeroby in the Nationalpark Donauauen
2023 Feasibility Study for the protection of the Dark Sky in Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Styria
2023 First Management Plan for the new Vjosa Wild River National Park in Albania
2023 Forest road network Austria
2023 Landing stages Egelsee - Submission documents for further measures
2023 Mapping of the habitat type “Lowland Hay Meadows 6510" in the alpine biogeographical region in Austria
2023 Mapping of the peatland habitat types 7110, 7120, 7140, 7150 and 91D0
2023 Professional support for the restoration of damaged ecosystems in nature parks in Austria
2023 Reprogramming of the Self-Assessment Tool of the IPAM Toolbox
2023 Smart Environment Natura 2000 Living Lab. Lay Monitoring Systems in Practice
2023 Technical support for the preparation of two INTERREG applications in the three countries corner (Slovenia, Italy, Austria)
2022 A transparent EO-based monitoring system for biodiversity and ecosystem restoration (RestorEO)
2022 AI for Climate Sensitive Tree Growth Modelling and Maximum Carbon Segregation (AI4Trees)
2022 Biosphere Reserve Feasibility Study Spessart Bavaria
2022 Compensation areas for transport infrastructure projects
2022 Concept for the reclamation of the LSG Lendspitz-Siebenhügel in the area of Lakeside Park
2022 EuroMAB Conference 2022. Challenges for biosphere reserves
2022 Evaluation of UNESCO's World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy.
2022 Expert support for the preparation of an integrated management plan for the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Historic Centres of Berat and Gjirokastra" in Albania
2022 Habitat mappig Aschach Valley
2022 Implementation of management measures im ESG Lendpsitz-Maiernigg
2022 Interreg Alpine Space Plan To Connect_Mainstreaming ecological connectivity in spatial planning systems of the Alpine Space
2022 Management of UNESCO World Heritage Beech Forests – Support of new sites
2022 Mapping of the FFH forest habitat types in the Natura2000 area Bregenzerachschlucht
2022 Mapping of the habitat type "Petrifying Springs With Tufa Formation (Cratoneurion) 7220*" in the alpine and continental biogeographical region in Austria
2022 Mapping of the habitat type “Alkaline Fens 7320* in the alpine biogeographical region in Austria
2022 Mapping of the mountain pine forests (habitat type 9430*) in the Bavarian Alpine region
2022 Mapping of the water-bound FFH habitat types in the Natura2000 area Bregenzerachschlucht
2022 Method development for a remote sensing based habitat monitoring (Habitalp) in the Gesäuse National Park.
2022 Natura 2000 Management plan Gutschen
2022 New exhibition concept for the Silvanum Forestry Museum
2022 Reintroduction of the Great Pond Mussel in Lake Wörthersee and ESG Lendspitz-Maiernigg 2022-2025
2022 Rotational pasture management guidelines for Georgia
2022 ScanForest4Carbon
2022 Scientific monitoring. Evaluation UNESCO Biosphere Park Salzburg Lungau & Carinthian Nock Mountains
2022 Smart Environment Natura 2000 Living Lab. Lay Monitoring Systems in Practice
2022 Social Media Support for the 'Golden Toad'
2022 Socio-economic monitoring of the life projects LBB and RLI
2022 Vjosa Wild River National Park – Study on Park Operations
2021 5-Country Biosphere Reserve: Virtual sustainable exchange workshop
2021 Berlin-Barnim urban biosphere region. Preliminary feasibility study
2021 Buzzing in public spaces. Wild bee and insect hotels in Villach
2021 Changes. Biodiversity and climate effect survey in Berchtesgaden
2021 Conservation expertise for the certificate course ‘Nature Conservation Engineer’
2021 Editorial and graphical preparation of the previously prepared UNESCO application for the Drömling biosphere reserve
2021 Field research event. GEO Day of Nature at the Nockberge Biosphere Reserve
2021 Forests and climate change. The role of forests in climate protection
2021 Further development of TBR MDD. Accompaniment of the pentalateral LIFE NAT project application process
2021 Integrated riverbed sanitation concept Bodental
2021 LIFE ENABLE. Creating the European Nature Academy for applied blended learning
2021 Nockberge Biosphere Reserve. See, experience, understand
2021 Of bats and reptiles. A new management plan for the Leonstein Natura 2000 Site
2021 On Alpine pastures: Vegetation ecology investigations in Berchtesgaden
2021 Plant biodiversity. Vegetation mapping in the Bavarian Alpine region
2021 Promoting urban biodiversity. Open space planning for “Neue Heimat” in Villach
2021 Smart Environment Natura 2000 Living Lab. Lay Monitoring Systems in Practice
2021 Styrian Peatland Strategy 2030+
2021 Sustainable forestry. Focus on climate protection and biodiversity
2021 Thinking in the long-term. A mission statement for agriculture in a Biosphere Reserve
2021 Transboundary Biosphere Reserve. Stakeholder Process
2021 Valuable forests: Functions and services for a Nature Park
2021 WH Beech Forest - Boundary Modification 2022
2020 City meets Nature: Habitat design for moor frogs and co. in the Natura 2000 site Lendspitz-Maiernigg
2020 Coaching of student work. Support for the ScienceLink cooperation between Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt and Biosphärenpark Nockberge
2020 Development of governance and conservation indicators for a Mediterranean ecotourism standard in protected areas
2020 Development of the application for UNESCO nomination for the Biosphere Reserve Drömling
2020 Environmental approval procedures. New guidelines help individuals and companies
2020 Feasibility Study in the ‘Sava Parks II’ Interreg project: Spačva Forest and Bosut Forest
2020 Forest Museum. Exhibition Concept for the Styrian Eisenwurzen
2020 From A to Z. Forest folder on the natural forest
2020 GEO-Day of Nature. Biodiversity field research event in the UNESCO Carinthian Nockberge Biosphere Reserve.
2020 Independent Forest Report for Austria
2020 Integration of E-Flow modules into academic teaching in Bhutan
2020 IUCN Monitoring – Evaluation and Learning Analysis
2020 LIFE PROGNOSES - PRotection of Old Growth Forests in Europe: Natural heritage, Outline, Synthesis and Ecosystem Services
2020 Management plan for the Hohe Tauern National Park
2020 Management plan for the Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge Biosphere Reserve (Salzburg part)
2020 Management plans for the Nature Parks Dobratsch and Weißensee – Nature education measures
2020 Paradigm shift in World Heritage Sites management? Mid-term evaluation of the World Heritage Leadership Programme
2020 Preparation of the management plan for the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Unteres Murtal in the Styrian Volcanic Region
2020 Preparation of the nomination dossier for the extension of the existing World Heritage Beech Forests (2019/2020)
2020 Renaturalisation of the Weissenbach stream for Bad Bleiberg
2020 Support on the UNESCO evaluation of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Pfälzerwald-Vosges du Nord
2019 'VIEL(GE)SCHICHTIG'. Carinthian Provincial Exhibition CARINTHIja.2020. Supervision of school research projects on landscape & space
2019 ‘Question Your Mindset’: Workshops, lectures and networking at the Neusiedlersee National Park
2019 5-country biosphere park Mur-Drava-Danube. Coordination, monitoring, submission of UNESCO documents
2019 Bee nature trail for the market town and elementary school Arnoldstein Naturparkschule
2019 Berchtesgaden National Park 2019-2029. Revision of the management plan
2019 CLEANSTONE: Sustainability meets natural stone industry. Development of guidelines for process optimisation and quality assurance
2019 DeepDigitalForest. Deepening and optimisation of multi-phase inventory and survey methods for forest digitization.
2019 Expansion of the World Heritage Beech Forests 2019/20 - Evaluation process
2019 Guideline Habitat Corridor Danube Region. Development and design of guiding principles
2019 Habitat Nature Night. Raising awareness to preserve the (dark) night and protect the biodiversity of nocturnal flora and fauna
2019 Integrated Biodiversity Management. Publications on project successes in the South Caucasus
2019 Lake Egelsee visitor guidance concept: Nature conservation and water law submission documents
2019 Let's go international. E.C.O. at the "Internationalisation Assistance" qualification and training programme
2019 Natural forest reserve in Laterns. Inventory and expert opinion for Vorarlberg municipality
2019 Nature Based Engineering Solution (NABIS). Risk analysis and management recommendations against invasive alien plants
2019 Pilot project on disturbance dynamics. Documentation of natural processes in the Gesäuse National Park.
2019 Soil as a Resource. Land use plans for sustainable agriculture and regional development in Georgia
2019 Urban nitrogen cycles. Stakeholder participation in the scientific discourse with the development of joint solutions
2019 Vegetation composition, natural regeneration, forest structure. Forest dynamics monitoring in the Gesäuse National Park
2019 Wildlife monitoring in Ethiopia. Expanding the national monitoring programme in the Chebera Churchura National Park.
2018 Climate Change in Georgia. Development of project concepts for Green Climate Fund
2018 Data collection for biodiversity. New edition of the Red List of endangered fern and flowering plant species of Carinthia
2018 Desert habitat. Establishment of a nature experience and education centre in Shaanxi/China
2018 Development and implementation of a field campaign on grasslands in Azerbaijan
2018 Ecological Connectivity in the Danube Region
2018 Employer Protected Area. Comparative study on salaries of national park staff and other industries in Armenia and Georgia
2018 Extension of the World Heritage Beech Forests 2019/20 – Nomination Dossier
2018 Forest in the stadium. FOR FOREST accompanying exhibition
2018 Light in the legal jungle. Development of a guideline for the optimisation of nature conservation and environmental protection approval procedures
2018 Lower Mura Valley Biosphere Reserve. Supervision and handling of the UNESCO application.
2018 Monitoring Concept 4.0. Pilot Study Natural Area Inventory-New in the Kalkalpen National Park.
2018 Monitoring training in Africa. Training week and action evaluation for the world's largest transnational protected area.
2018 River'schools in Serbia. Concept proposal for river information centres in the UNESCO Biosphere Park Mura-Drava-Danube
2018 Strategy & Planning 2018-2028. Elaboration of the management plans for 6 nature parks in Burgenland
2018 Sustainable tourism in the Salzburg Lungau Biosphere Reserve. Accompaniment and support in the preparation of the tourism action plan
2018 UNESCO World Natural Heritage Beech Forests. Coordination and development of a transnational management plan 2018-2020
2018 Wild Water. Staging concept for Wildenstein Waterfall and Wildenstein Moor
2018 Wildlife management in Ethiopia. Establishment of a national monitoring strategy using satellite-based technology
2017 Concept and Implementation Riparian-zone restoration Schilfweg Lendspitz
2017 Feasibility study UNESCO biosphere reserve Steigerwald
2017 FFH-habitat mapping of black pine forests in Carinthia
2017 - Education included!
2017 Forest Point Cloud
2017 Game of Clones
2017 Gesäuse partner
2017 Ineractive Geo-Interpretation Points in the Steirische Eisenwurzen Geopark
2017 Land Degradation Neutrality in Georgia
2017 Landscape and Sustainable Land Management for mitigating land degradation and reducing poverty
2017 Linking networks of protected areas to territorial development (LinkPAs)
2017 Monitoring concept national park Kalkalpen
2017 Monitoring Fallopia at grazing units of ÖBB
2017 Monitoring quarry OMYA
2017 Protected Areas in Turkey
2017 Scietifical and technical support of the Geo-Day of Biological Diversity inside Biosphere reserve Nockberge
2017 Staging of the border triangle for the municipality of Arnoldstein
2017 Technical advice and Training of Trainers on the establishment of windbreaks in Kakheti region, Georgia
2017 Visitor guidance in the Steirische Eisenwurzen Nature- and Geopark
2016 Concept for visitor management and landscape maintenance in the Dobratsch Nature park
2016 Consulting services for the project “Support of Nature Protected Areas in Ukraine”
2016 Ecosystem services of the Austrian Federal Forestry Company - Phase II
2016 Eisenwurzen Nature Park - GeoDorf Gams Adaptation and expansion
2016 Feasibility Study UNESCO World Heritage Site Carnic Alps
2016 Native and non-native plant species around the school campus
2016 Forest Inventory with Micro Aerial Vehicles
2016 future link 32 Kärnten Mitte
2016 Geo-Day of Biological Diversity - Handling and processing
2016 Graphical editing of the Management Plan Nockberge
2016 International Studytour September 2016
2016 Management of leisure activities
2016 Management plan Oberösterreichische Kalkalpen National Park
2016 Mapping of NATURA 2000 habitat type 9110 in the region Grazer Berg- und Joglland
2016 Mapping of NATURA 2000 habitat type 91L0 in the region Südost-Steiermark
2016 Mission statement Tyrolean Lech Nature Park
2016 Monitoring of conservation measures in Carinthia
2016 Nature interpretation in the Nature- and Geopark Steirische Eisenwurzen
2016 Nature Park Workshops Tyrol
2016 Orchards in the Nature- and Geopark Styrian Eisenwurzen
2016 Reed-monitoring and UAV-flight inside Naturepark Heidereichsteiner Moor
2016 Theme trail Schloss Höch
2016 Univerzoom – Redesign of the visitor center in the Hohe Tauern Nationapark Carinthia
2015 Ecological supervision Turracher Höhe
2015 Exhibition Nockberge
2015 Management plan Biosphere Reserve Nockberge
2015 Managementplan Hohe Tauern National Park (Carinthia, Salzburg, Tyrol)
2015 – Strategic development of the six Nature Parks in the Burgenland
2015 Preparation of tentative lists for the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site European Beech Forests Einreichung
2015 Provision of technical support to KAZA-TFCA to implement a socio-economic monitoring scheme
2015 Refinement of the management plan for Kalkalpen National Park
2015 Supoort Wilderness Assessment of the European Wilderness Society
2015 Sustainable hydropower utilization in Bhutan: National guidelines for the determination of minimum environmental flows
2015 Vegetation-ecological Long-time Monitoring of the Ramsar-site Hörfeldmoor
2015 World Heritage Site European Beech Forests - Nomination process
2014 Assessment and reassessment of agricultural areas and structures
2014 City of Klagenfurt, model region Alpine Convention
2014 Designation of Natura 2000 Sites in Carinthia (forests)
2014 Ecological construction site supervision – ASFINAG Service GmbH, establishment of replacement habitats for the loss of biotope areas in the Carinthian cadastral communities of Portendorf, Zinsdorf, Pubersdorf, Pakein and Thon
2014 Ecosystem services of the Austrian Federal Forestry Company - Phase I
2014 Evaluation Karwendelprogramme
2014 Feasability study fort he transboundary UNESCO-Geopark Karnische Alpen
2014 Green Classroom Lakeside Park
2014 Habitat mapping Salzburg
2014 Integrated Erosion Control and pastoral management in the South Caucasus
2014 Pilot project documentation of natural processes in the Gesäuse National Park
2014 Preparation of the nomination of the Wilderness Area Dürrenstein as part of the Serial World Heritage “Ancient Beech Forests of Europe”
2014 Reorientation of the Natura 2000 management in Styria
2014 Vegetation monitoring of alpine pastures in the Hohe Tauern National Park Carinthia
2014 Visitor information in the Hochmoor Schrems Nature Park
2014 Workshop series on sustainability with the Carinthian Economic Promotion Fund (KWF)
2013 Analysis of organizational structures of Protected Areas along the Danube
2013 Development of an integrated monitoring system scheme BRIM Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge
2013 Exhibition stand National Parks Austria
2013 Gesäuse National Park Education and Experience Strategy
2013 Nature conservation along power line routes
2013 Socio-economic baseline study and development of a monitoring and evaluation framework for the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA-TFCA)
2013 Spatial analysis of priority nature conservation areas for the Netzwerk Naturwald
2013 Status-Report: Comparing the management plans of Austrian national parks
2013 The “Hirschbirne” - themed information points in the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park
2012 Biotope Mapping Eisenwurzen Nature Park
2012 City meets Nature – maintaining protected areas in the Natura 2000 area Lendspitz-Maiernigg
2012 Conceptions for European protected areas
2012 Ecological construction supervision for the ÖBB landfill Pribelsdorf
2012 European World Heritage Beech Forests
2012 Gesäuse National Park research concept
2012 Huzul Horse Grazing of Selected Wet Meadows – Pasturage Monitoring Keutschach
2012 Information pylons in Dobratsch Nature Park
2012 Management of Protected Areas-Programme on Philippines
2012 Mobile GIS for the nature conservation department Salzburg
2012 MSc Programme Management of Protected Areas 2012-2014
2012 Nature Conservation and PR in the Steirische Eisenwurzen Nature Park
2012 Region Information System Carinthia – biotope mapping of the town and region of Villach
2012 Staging for the Karavanke Geopark
2012 Themed trail information point nature conservation area Finkensteiner Moor
2012 Themed Trails of the Year in the Protected Areas in Austria
2012 Vegetation Monitoring Measures Hochobir
2012 Vegetation Survey Lake Stappitzer See
2011 “Be-Nature”, BEtter Management and Implementation of Natura 2000 sites
2011 “Schwarze and Weiße Sulm rivers and Deutschlandsberger Klause” forestry plan brochures
2011 Biodiversity Monitoring Scheme Technology Screening
2011 Biosphere Reserve Lungau-Nockberge
2011 Development of the Kalkalpen National Park – analysis of future scenarios
2011 Integrated Renaturation Plan for the Raba brook in the area of the provincial capital Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
2011 Monitoring Natura 2000 Lendspitz
2011 Monitoring of Natura 2000 Implementation Measures Schütt/Dobratsch
2011 Nature Conservation Plan for the Alpine Pasture in Salzburg
2011 Nature park information and Schütt rest area
2011 Schütt landslide area – new edition of the publication
2011 Survey of the Use of Alpine Pastures in the Hohe Tauern National Park – expansion to include the Fleißtal valleys
2010 “Management of Protected Areas” – Joint Degree Austria/Nepal for the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region
2010 Biotope Mapping Tyrol – Kufstein
2010 Conservation, Forest Biodiversity and Economic Development in the Karavanke Mountains Conservation, Forest Biodiversity and Economic Development in the Karavanke Mountains
2010 Cross-border biosphere park Prespa
2010 Development of Eco-Tourism in the Kafa Biosphere Reserve in Bonga, Ethiopia
2010 Eco system benefits of the river Mur
2010 Ecological nature protection plans for Villacher Alpe-Dobratsch and Schütt-Graschelitzen
2010 Interreg: NATREG – Training courses and knowledge management
2010 Iso-Natura: Quality Assurance in Nature Conservation Iso-Natura: Quality Assurance in Nature Conservation
2010 Maintaining Protected Areas in central Lower Austria
2010 Monitoring Ramsar Region Hörfeld Moor
2010 Nature conservation plan on Alpine pastures, Salzburg
2010 Publication on the core areas in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve
2010 Strengthening of the Armenian system of protected areas – feasibility study
2010 Theme trails in Carinthia – implementation of a certification system
2010 World Heritage Beech Forests: sustainable use at the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site
2009 ‘Hirschbirnweg Trail’ – Pöllauer Tal Nature Park
2009 Basic Principles for the Modern Management of the Ukrainian Carpathian Biosphere Reserve
2009 Biotope Mapping in Klagenfurt and Klagenfurt-Land
2009 Biotope mapping Tyrol – Landeck
2009 Checkid – Experiencing the wilderness
2009 Evaluation of Biosphere Reserves Borders
2009 Forest study Mürzer Oberland
2009 Guidelines on evaluating the national parks of Austria
2009 Healing landscape of Bad Kleinkirchheim
2009 Interreg: – Studies of the potential for the economy and identity of the Karawanken region
2009 Moderation of Participation Processes in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve
2009 MSc Programme Management of Protected Areas 2009-2011
2009 NATREG – Management of natural assets and protected areas as an opportunity for sustainable regional development
2009 Options for the use of hay from the Karawanken/Karavanks
2009 Transcultural exchange of sustainability know-how
2009 Turkmenistan National Parks - Business Planning
2009 Zoning of the Lower Morawa biosphere reserve
2008 Assessment of options for the Alpenpark Karwendel
2008 Biosphere Reserves in the Ukrainian Carpathians
2008 Biotope Cadastre Klagenfurt – amalgamation of existing data and evaluation of aerial photography
2008 Caucasus Wilderness Area. Feasibility study for biosphere park between Azerbaijan, Georgia and Russia
2008 Development of Alpine pastures in the Hohe Tauern National Park
2008 Future processes for the Alpenpark Karwendel
2008 Guidelines for the biotope cadastre of Carinthia
2008 Hemeroby study for Austria’s forests
2008 Innovation in Protected Areas
2008 National park policy in Norway
2008 Participation processes in biosphere reserves
2007 Analysis of the protected areas network in the Ukraine
2007 Caring for and maintaining nature reserves in Lower Austria
2007 Concept of the habitat mapping guidelin of Styria
2007 DIGSTER – Map & go
2007 Evaluation of the Gesäuse National Park
2007 Hohe Tauern National Park research concept
2007 MSc Programme Management of Protected Areas 2007-2009
2007 New concept development of the biotope cadastre of Carinthia
2007 Nockberge National Park – Alpine farming and Natura 2000 conflict analysis
2007 Visitor infrastructure at the Lovcen National Park
2007 wasser.leben regional exhibition
2006 Digital Land Survey for the Biotope Cartography of Salzburg
2006 Ecological site supervision of the construction of the second tube of Tauerntunnel, A10 highway
2006 HABITALP – Alpine Habitat Diversity
2006 Hohe Tauern National Park Master Plan
2006 Identification of high-value forest stands in Bosnia
2006 Meadow monitoring in the Ramsar region of Keutschacher Seental
2006 Nockberge Biosphere Reserve – project coordination
2006 PANet 2010 – Management and tool box for the “Networks of Protected Areas”
2006 PANet 2010 – Protected Area Networks. Project development
2006 The Dry Grasslands of Carinthia – Data Collection
2006 Wienerwald management plan
2005 Development of a Nature Park in Weißbach
2005 Future in the Alps – protected areas work package
2005 Guidelines for research and monitoring in the Großes Walsertal Biosphere Park
2005 Guidelines for Research and Monitoring in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve
2005 High End Technologies in the Management of Protected Areas
2005 Land use in the Karavanke mountains
2005 Landscape window Reißeck in the Mölltal valley
2005 MSc Programme Management of Protected Areas 2005-2007
2005 Optimal Dynamic Conservation Strategies
2005 Sustainability in the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park
2004 Biosphere Reserves in Austria – Fundamentals and Status of Research
2004 Ecological site supervision of the construction of Koramltunnel
2004 Protected Areas in Carinthia – Guidance System
2004 The Austrian Conservation Movement in the Context of Social Development2
2004 The Natural Forest Communities as the Basis for Sustainable Forestry
2003 Connection of the Damüls and Mellau skiing resorts: Survey and assessment in terms of nature protection
2003 Feasibility Study for Karawanken Nature Park
2003 IPAM-Toolbox – Integrated Management of Protected Areas. Project management
2003 Sustainable development of the natural landscape of the Carnic Alps – Cross-Border mountain pasture development programme
2003 The Cultural Landscapes of the Austrian Nature Parks
2003 Water management concept Glan AP7 – Landscape inventory
2003 Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve – Detailed Planning
2002 Effects of the Maltsch Natura 2000-area in Upper Austria on the regional economy
2002 N.A.B.L. Nature Protection Programme – Materials and project development of the 2nd executive programme 2002–2006
2002 Nature protection strategy of Österreichische Naturschutzplattform
2002 The Natural Monuments of Carinthia
2002 Vegetation development on the nunatak of “Kleiner Burgstall”
2001 Biodiversity research in the Pöllauer Tal – landscape window
2001 Expert’s report on the mountain pasture development in the Gößnitztal Valley – Appraisal to assess the intervention in the Natura 2000-area
2001 Long-term Vegetation Monitoring Metschach
2001 Thematic Trails in Carinthia – Inventory and Certification
2000 Encounters with nature: Hochobir
2000 EU Enlargement to the East and landscape development in the border region of Styria and Slovenia
2000 Landscape elements in the Grebenzen Nature Park – An inventory
2000 Planning Guidelines for the Gesäuse National Park
2000 Pro Parks Academy Brasov
1999 Pöllauberg cultural landscape programme – conservation plan pilot project
1999 Ramsar bogs and swamps in Austria
1999 Research guide Grebenzen Nature Park
1999 The Effects on the Regional Economy of the Natura 2000 Sites in Austria
1999 Trögener Klamm Nature Reserve – Vegetation map
1999 Vegetation analysis in the Metschach fallow project
1999 Vegetation monitoring in the Hörfeldmoor Ramsar site
1998 Aggtelek National Park cultural landscape programme
1998 Agro-ecological project Krappfeld
1998 Appraisal of the natural forest reserves “Warmbad” and “Tumpf” in Carinthia
1998 Donau-Auen National Park research concept
1998 Ecosystematic forest management in climatic border areas
1998 Gesäuse National Park – Feasibility Study
1998 Landscape of rockslides in the "Schütt"
1998 Pasture typology of Bregenzer Wald
1998 The Austrian Wetland Strategy
1998 Vegetation map of Vellach Kotschna
1997 Evaluation of the WWF hunting project Seebachtal
1997 Gößgraben Forest Study
1997 Integrated development concept for Hochobir Mountain
1996 Gurkursprung Nature Reserve
1996 Monitoring in Alpine National Parks