Development of the application for UNESCO nomination for the Biosphere Reserve Drömling

Associated persons Lisa Wolf
Clients Biosphere reserve administration Drömling Sachsen-Anhalt
Year 2020

The German federal states of Sachsen-Anhalt and Niedersachsen intended to designate a transnational UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (BR) Drömling, based on the 1990 designated Drömling nature park, also called "Land of a Thousand Ditches" in Sachsen-Anhalt. The project aim was to develop the application for the recognition of the Drömling as a transnational UNESCO biosphere reserve which serves the protection and the regional development and is based on the criteria of the MAB programme of UNESCO, the Seville Strategy and the Madrid Action Plan. The rough version has now been revised, supplemented and further developed resulting in a full UNESCO application for the BR Drömling. All documents were then prepared for the UNESCO in the specific corporate design of the Nationale Naturlandschaften e. V.