Information pylons in Dobratsch Nature Park
Dobratsch Nature Park consists of sensitive habitats and valuable cultural landscapes. The park is well known as a refuge area for numerous animal and plant species. Recently, the management of the park has installed six information towers (information pylons) at selected location within the nature park region to provide information for visitors of the park. E.C.O. was commissioned to develop the contents of the information towers and to handle the editing of the contents. The three-sided information towers give information about a site-specific topic. As the park is located close to the Italian and Slovenian border, each information tower is trilingual (German, Italian, Slovenian). Particuarly, the section “Did you know that…” sometimes provides rather surprising information about the site. The topics and locations are: Bad Bleiberg: „Bergbau“ (local mining tradition) Oberschütt: „Gladiolenwiese“ (Gladiola meadow – regional botanical highlight) Heiligengeist: „Bäuerliche Kulturlandschaft“ (traditional cultural landscape) Nötsch: „Schmiede, Kunst und Nötscher Kreis“ (Smithery, arts and „Nötscher Kreis“) Bleiberg Kreuth: „Schutzwald“ (Protection forest) Warmbad in Villach: „Wasser“ (Water)