Protected Areas in Turkey
Over 40% of Turkey’s landscape are composed of steppes and feature extraordinary biological diversity. Steppes are ancient cultural landscapes, also they are the region of origin for many cultivars such as lentils or pistachios. Irrigation, intensive farming and wild urban development are threats to steppe landscapes and their characteristic species such as the spotted hyena, the small antelope or the great bustard. In this model project of FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation), ideas for improving conservation and sustainable development of those landscape will be elaborated. In South-East-Turkey (Şanlıurfa Province), new protected areas should be created, existing areas should be extended, and corridors should work as a connection between those areas. E.C.O. is supporting the project team in Turkey with specific consulting services. In particular, we will generate a planning manual for protected areas, buffer zones and corridors. Thereby, international standards and guidelines as well as participative planning approaches are given special emphasis. In close cooperation with Turkish experts, standards for a nationwide biodiversity monitoring will be elaborated.