Linking networks of protected areas to territorial development (LinkPAs)

Associated persons Michael Huber, Michael Jungmeier
Clients EU Espon 2020 Programme
Year 2017

This European project focuses on the role of protected area networks in the development and implementation of natural resource management and spatial development strategies. The analysis contributes to a better understanding of the impact of protected area networks on spatial development on various levels (local to transnational). In four case study regions in the Alps, the Apennines and the Carpathians existing protected area networks will be evaluated. Especially in mountainous areas, these networks are important actors for the implementation of European strategies (e.g. EU Green Infrastructure Strategy). A central result will be a typology of protected area networks with specific roles and features. Based on this, approaches and strategies to enhance these networks will be formulated and recommendations for a successful integration of objectives and experiences of protected area networks in sectoral strategies (sustainable tourism, environment protection, climate change, resource management, spatial planning) will be elaborated.