Managementplan Hohe Tauern National Park (Carinthia, Salzburg, Tyrol)
The Hohe Tauern National Park plans to prepare a state-of-the-art transboundary management plan, which takes into account the new standards as defined by Nationalparks Austria. Given the federal structure of Austria, the management bodies in each of the (national park) provinces prepare their individual management plans. However, in ordert be able to better co-ordinate activities and follow a joint vision, these management plans should follow a similar structure and have joint overall objectives. E.C.O. was commissioned to support the process of the elaboration of an agreed structure and of agreed joint overall goals. Based on several workshops with representatives and directors of the three national park administrations a joint management plan document is prepared. In a further step E.C.O. supports a core team compromising one representative of each administration to finalize the document, which will be jointly discussed by the three directors. After the objectives have been agreed on, working groups of the national park administrations jointly elaborate selected transboundary measures. Finally, E.C.O. consolidates all results into a comprehensive transboundary management planning document.