Publication on the core areas in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve
Nature, society and business are so closely connected in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve as in hardly any other region in Austria. The largest percentage of area, 63 %, is occupied by the ecosystem forest. Without any or with only a very small amount of human influence, the forest in the core areas of the biosphere reserve can develop into near-natural forest communities, thereby preserving and promoting biodiversity. More than 1,600 sample points have been set up on a permanent sampling grid in the biosphere reserve’s 37 core areas in order to be able to identify changes occurring at exactly the same point at regular intervals. The data collected on the sample areas during the period from 2008 to 2010 (tree species, height, diameter, etc.) constitute the basis for a brochure that summarises the first stage of data acquisition in eight subject chapters.