Of bats and reptiles. A new management plan for the Leonstein Natura 2000 Site
The Leonstein Natura 2000 Site is to be investigated with regard to the biotope types occurring therein, habitat types listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive and other protected objects according to Annex II and IV of the Habitats Directive, and their conservation status is to be recorded. Special attention is paid to a bat and reptile survey. Due to the intensive recreational use of the area, multiple conflicts of use are to be expected, a high visitor frequency and diverse forms of use representing further challenges – a strong involvement of all stakeholders from the beginning is therefore essential to us. A central component of the management plan created are the conservation and development objectives for the protected assets at the Natura 2000 Site, which have been agreed upon by all parties and aim at improving and securing an excellent conservation status of all protected assets in the long term.