Preparation of tentative lists for the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site European Beech Forests Einreichung
Together with the Environmetnal Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt) E.C.O. is commissioned to coordinate the nomination process for the UNESCO serial world natural heritage site “Beech forests of Europe” and to serve as a communication point for all partners involved. The first step to submit a nomination for a world natural heritage site requires to prepare Tentative List Submission Forms and coordinate the individual lists of all participating countries, which are all required to submit their proposals independently at UNESCO in Paris. In this process the technical coordination regarding contents, structures and processes as well as the communication process between and in the individual countries is most crucial. In total eleven countries proposed 32 sites in February 2015 to the Tentative List of UNESCO. The eleven countries are Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia, Austria, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Ukraine.