European Parks Academy 2021 | 12 - 18 July


I register as a participant at the European Parks Academy 2021, offered by IUCN ́s World Commission on Protected Areas, EUROPARC Federation and E.C.O. Institute of Ecology.

Personal information
Food preferences*
Contact information
Background, occupation, interests
Package selection

You may choose between 2 packages:

Package 1: Full package | (4-day seminar + 2-day excursion) | 1,390 € regular | 1,112 € early bird*
Package 2: Training package only | 4-day seminar | 1,120 € regular | 896 € early bird*

Please choose*
Seminar selection
Please choose one of the following seminars:*



Please calculate 5 plus 1.

General conditions

With the payment of the fee your participation at the academy is valid.

The academy fee includes the participation at the seminars/conference/excursion, all materials, coffee breaks and lunch. During the excursions, all costs (transport, food and accommodation) are covered. The academy fee does not cover accommodation (other than at the excursion), transport to the venue and evening meals. Hotel recommendations will be published on our website.

We reserve the right to cancel a seminar or excursion of the European Parks Academy (before 18 June 2021) if the number of registrations is not sufficient.

Simultaneously, you have the right to withdraw your registration before 18 June 2021 without financial repercussions (100% refund of the fee). After 18 June 2021, we reserve the right to retain 100 % of the fee.

With your registration you allow the organisers the use of pictures from the seminars on all online plattfroms run by the organiser, as well as the use of your data for the communication about the European Parks Academy.

European Parks Academy | Learn. Exchange. Enjoy.