We proudly present: our yearbook
Looking back on 2019/20

Our yearbook chronicles our team, projects, events, educational offers and other E.C.O.-related highlights.
Click here to read our Yearbook
It is a cross section of our every day activities for nature conservation in the 21st century at home and abroad. These acitivities range from conservation measures in the Natura 2000 site Lendspitz-Maiernigg in Klagenfurt, over the UNESCO evaluation for the Biosphere reserve Pfälzerwald-Nordvogesen, to an international research study on urban nitrogen budgets, to the revolutionising of the natural stone industry and several more.
It also shows this year's highlights and tells about our endeavours and further accomplishments as a team.
We thank our customers, partners and colleagues for the excellent cooperation in the past year and are looking forward to continuing it.
E.C.O.‘s projects, people, publications:
Click here to read our Yearbook
We hope you enjoy it!