TRÖK outdoors
“Treffpunkt Ökologie” goes outdoors

For years, the staff of the ecological offices in Carinthia have held regular monthly meetings to discuss urgent issues and share information under the motto “Treffpunkt Ökologie” (TRÖK). At one of their meetings in winter, the participants had the idea of organising an open air meeting: “We are spending more and more time at our desks. Wouldn’t it be great to meet our colleagues outdoors for a change?” So, this summer, TRÖK goes fresh-air.
The destination of the first excursion in April was the Natura 2000 area of Lendspitz/Maiernigg. Despite the chilly temperatures and slight rain, a hardened group of weather-proof ecologists, planners and nature conservationists under the expert leadership of Roland Schiegl (Arge NATURSCHUTZ) took part in an information session focussed on the management plan. We were joined by passers-by on our way who listened with great interest and also shared with us their impressions, wishes and fears relating to the protected area.
All in all, it was a “moving” exchange of knowledge and all participants commented positively on the practical success of an enjoyable session that will soon be continued as we plan. The next outing will be on 13 May and will be led by Jürgen Petutschnig (Umweltbüro Klagenfurt).