Did You Know?
Knowledge management consulting process successfully concluded

“We use our wits.” The nine team members of E.C.O. are modern knowledge workers – they work on a multi-disciplinary basis, are experienced and highly qualified. We churn out concepts, analyses and plans. We produce knowledge. There are no general standards that apply to the generation and management of knowledge.
We strive for ongoing improvement and have therefore sought answers to the following questions: How can our wealth of experience be best collected, saved and made available to us and others? What information is important, what information is dead freight? What potential is available in whom? How can we further optimise internal documentation and archiving? What knowledge means additional benefit for our customers?
In the course of a consulting process with the experts of ISN (Innovation Service Network GmbH), a Graz-based company, we re-organised our entire knowledge management so that we can provide top-level knowledge of the best quality to our customers now and for the future.