Optimisation of approval procedures with environmental relevance
New guidelines help applicants

In a project accompanied by our expertise, initiated and financed by the Kärntner Wirtschaftsförderungs Fonds ((Carinthian Economic Promotion Fund / KWF), two guidelines about the optimisation of approval procedures have been developed.
Aspects of nature conservation and environmental protection are playing an increasingly important role in approval procedures. Many of the procedures (e.g. environmental impact assessments, operational facilities approval procedures, nature impact assessments, building permits etc.) become more and more complex and require a great deal of effort on the part of both applicants and authorities.
In a project initiated and financed by the KWF, representatives of the business community (notable Carinthian companies, Federation of Austrian Industry, Chamber of Commerce) and authorities (Provincial Government of Carinthia) jointly developed recommendations for possibly effective procedures. The recommendations were based on a joint analysis of good and less good examples from the past.
The guidelines published in 2020 provide applicants with specific information and support about key success indicators of approval procedures with regards to planning, preparation, communication and consulting opportunities.
‚Sound preparation and planning are the cornerstones for successful approval procedures. Especially when it comes to environmental protection and nature conservation, an early professional analysis is indispensible,‘ explains project member and legal expert Raphael Süßenbacher. ‚Equally important is communicating one’s specific plans in a timely and transparent manner, especially to the authorities. Oftentimes it is not easy to maintain an overwiew in approval procedures which makes it important to know where to find legal and professional support if needed.‘
Together with the KWF, E.C.O. strives to spread the word about these two guidelines.