Online workshop biodiversity - insects edition
Butterfly, bee & friends need your ideas!

Save the date. Along with the climate crisis the loss of biodiversity is the greatest global threat to the environment of our time. Thus, more than ever before new ideas for a healthy and prosperous future are much needed. This is where innovate4nature comes in, an ideas competition in its 3rd round since 2018.
innovate4nature – insects edition is the ideas competition of WWF Austria in cooperation with Impact Hub Vienna. It is carried out within the framework of the biodiversity initiative ‚vielfaltleben‘ of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, supported by the Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Regions and Tourism and the EU.
The online workshop is an ideal opportunity to get to know people with ideas and motivation and the means to implement them. Together we will work on ideas to enhance biodiversity and insects in Austria. These ideas, then, can be submitted within the ideas competition.
The online workshop takes place 7 May, 4 – 7 pm via zoom. Professionals from WWF, Impact Hub Vienna and E.C.O. will assist participants
- to find an idea
- to further develop an idea
- to make an idea ready for its submission to the competition
- to improve their chance to win 10.000 € initial capital, coaching etc.
To join the online workshop you need to prepare:
- laptop/computer with a stable internet connection
- app: Zoom (download for free:
- paper, Post-it notes and pens
- motivation to try something new
Registration and information:
Participants will also have the opportunity for virtual networking – perfect to exchange ideas and experiences and find new project partners! ‘We are looking forward to the workshop and your ideas!’ says E.C.O. team member Christina Pichler-Koban who will offer her professional expertise during the workshop on 7 May, 4 – 7 pm.
You are welcome to send us your questions directly or to Please visit for more information on the competition. We wish you an inspirational time at the workshop!