Nature Conservation in the 21st Century
Interview with Hanns Kirchmeir

E.C.O. managing director Hanns Kirchmeir talks about nature conservation in the 21st century and the challenges it will face in the future.
Find out
- how our company name is pronounced correctly and why
- on which areas we focus our work at E.C.O.
- how Covid did or did not change nature
- what we can learn from Covid
- how climate change is affecting our forests
- which function politics has for nature (conservation)
- what the EU is doing for nature conservation
- about the „patience“ of ecosystems
- about the Natura 2000 site Lendspitz-Maiernigg in Klagenfurt (from 28:00)
- about further E.C.O. projects and educational programmes
The interview was broadcasted by Radio AGORA. Hanns was interviewed by Ute Mörtl. The interview is only available in German.