EPA: Review and Preview 2020
The European Parks Academy will take place for the fourth time in Klagenfurt in 2020: International experts, cutting-edge topics and a colourful setting.

"At the turn of the year we are pleased to present the programme of the European Parks Academy 2020," says EPA Coordinator Lisa Wolf. "In the three seminars we will deal with current topics in the management of protected areas. We will present and discuss solutions and helpful tools".
How can human rights and nature conservation be reconciled in development cooperation? The seminar is organised by Minnattallah Boutros (GFA Consulting GmbH, Hamburg) and Jennifer Kelleher (IUCN, Programme Officer for Governance, Equity and Rights). It will culminate in a panel discussion with international NGOs and development agencies.
How can Natura 2000 sites become a driving force for regional development? Among others, Andrej Sovinc (IUCN | WCPA Regional Vice-Chair Europe), Catarina Ferreira (IUCN European Biodiversity Conservation Coordinator) and Nadine Seleem (IUCN Green List Junior Professional) will present possibilities and examples.
How can Conservation Capacities be systematically built and developed? Eleanor Sterling (IUCN Capacity Development Group; American Museum of Natural History) and Neil McIntosh (EUROPARC Federation; LIFE-project e-natura2000.edu) present new ways and approaches.
The EPA will take place from 13 to 18 July 2020 at the Lakeside Park Klagenfurt. There are attractive discounts for early bookers and groups. Further information on the programme can be found here. Link. A new video clip gives a review of the EPA 2019.