Certificate course “Nature Conservation Operator”
Presentation of final theses

On October 12, 2018, the graduation ceremony of the certificate course “Nature Conservation Operator” takes place. The students will briefly present their final theses and subsequently receive their certificate. All interested persons are cordially invited: 16:30, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule Kärnten). Since 2017, the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (FH Kärnten) offers an academic training to become a “Nature Conservation Operator” (Naturschutzfachkraft). The extra-occupational training will educate civil engineers, architects, construction managers and technical stuff to properly and efficiently implement nature conservation measures that are needed on construction sites. These are for example restorations, mobile guidance installations for amphibians, bird strike safety applications or habitat preserving measures. The training includes an introduction part (e.g. nature conservation biology, nature conservation tasks, nature conservation laws, nature conservation professions, etc.), equipment and technology (e.g. photo-trapping, telemetry, drones, bat detectors, special hard- and software etc.) as well as a practical main part. The training takes place in 4 modules from October 2018 until October 2019. The deadline for the application is on August 31, 2018. Take the opportunity to participate in a unique education to a new interface between nature conservation and technology.
More information: https://e-c-o.at/trainings-en.html