Paten der Nacht Austria
Association for the protection of the natural night founded

On July 12, 2024, the Paten der Nacht Austria brought the beauty of the intact natural night closer to over 50 interested people at the Landesmusikschule in Gmunden. On the following Saturday, after several years of consultation and awareness-raising, the members officially founded the “Paten der Nacht Austria” association:
From left to right (standing): Christina Pichler-Koban (Team Carinthia), Christian Raffetseder (Team Vienna), Ursula Asamer (Team Upper Austria), Simone Jungwirth (Federal Spokesperson Paten der Nacht), Clemens Schnaitl (Association Chairman Paten der Nacht), Christopher Rogi (Team Carinthia), from left to right (first row): Stefan Wallner (Team Burgenland), Klaus Reitbauer (Team Lower Austria). Photo: Paten der Nacht Österreich (Klugsberger/Reitbauer)