'Forests in the crisis'
Independent forest report for Austria

The Forest Report „Wald in der Krise“ (‚Forest in a Crisis‘) was commissioned by the WWF Austria in the framework oft he Austrian Forest Strategy 2020.
>> Read Forest Report (in German)
100 pages on history, condition and recommendations for actions
The report deals with the questions
- Which ecosystem services deliver forest ecosystems?
- How are our forests dealing with the climate crisis?
- Which necessary steps must we take for a ‚forest of the future‘?
At the moment only 11 percent of Austria’s forests are natural or very near-natural, only 0.8 percent thereof are effectively protected. To tackle the challenges of the climate crisis far more species-rich, climate-resilient forests are essential.
>> Read Forest Report (in German)
Photo: Naturwald / Natural Forest © Karin Enzenhofer, forest expert, WWF Austria