EPA: News about the webinar series
Have you already registered?

As you might already know this year’s European Parks Academy will not, like originally intended, take place in Klagenfurt. Instead, we will go online.
We invite you to join our new EPA webinar series aimed at professionals in nature conservation.
Do not miss this chance to virtually meet our partners from IUCN, WCPA and other renowned organisations and save the dates.
The 4 planned webinars will be held in upcoming June and July 2020:
Thu 18 Jun 2 pm: Michael Jungmeier (E.C.O.) and Andrej Sovinc (WCPA) will give you an introduction to the European Parks Academy and why you should not miss out to take part in the Academy.
Thu 02 July 2 pm: Jennifer Kelleher (IUCN) will talk about ‘Rights that arise in nature conservation’ as part of the EPA seminar ‘Human Rights and Nature Conservation’.
Thu 16 July 2 pm: Eleanor Sterling (Museum of Natural History’s Center for Biodiversity and Conservation) and Mike Appleton (IUCN) will give participants insight in one topic related to the EPA seminar ‘Capacity Development’.
Thu 30 July 2 pm (to be confirmed): Nadine Seleem (IUCN Green List) will talk about one topic related to the EPA seminar covering ‘Natura 2000 Sites’.
Within the webinars our speakers will provide an interesting insight into one aspect of their seminars’ topics. Participants can ask questions, establish contacts and thus thoroughly prepare themselves for the programme of EPA 2021 which is going to take place in Klagenfurt again (12 – 18 July 2021).
Have you already registered? What are you waiting for? ‘It is free, a great opportunity to get to know like-minded people but above all to become part of the European Parks Academy’ – summarizes programme coordinator Lisa Wolf. A unique experience for professionals in nature conservation. And there is a BONUS: Everyone joining the free webinar series will be guaranteed a fixed place for the European Parks Academy 2021 as well as an early bird ticket.
For more details, visit our event site by clicking here.