E.C.O. presents …
New E.P.A. video story

The European Parks Academy (E.P.A.) 2019 will take place from July 15 to July 21 in Klagenfurt at the beautiful Lake Wörthersee. It is not only a professional training; it is also a place to meet new people from all over the world. We asked some of our successful participants to tell you about their experience with E.P.A. in a short video. The results are now online on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ECOklagenfurt/.
The video story highlights the most important contents of this extraordinary training programme:
- learning about emerging trends and new approaches in the management of protected areas
- using new technologies and monitoring tools
- dealing with stakeholders in a better way
If you like to be part of this year’s E.P.A., you can find further information and all details on the programme and registration under https://e-c-o.at/trainings-en.html.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Klagenfurt!