Biosphere Reserves Ethiopia
Michael Jungmeier took part in a tour of experts.

The Ethiopian Minister of Science, Ato Junedin Saddo, is convinced that Ethiopia is “facing major challenges in the field of development politics”. To promote the long-term economic and social development of his country, he supports the establishment of a network of biosphere reserves in Ethiopia. Upon the initiative and invitation of the Ethiopian government, an international group of experts explored the status quo.
The trip took the experts to the area around Lake Tana (origin of the Nile), to Lalibela, to the Bale mountains and the Bale National Park, to Sheik Hussein, the Awash National Park and the coffee biosphere reserve in the Kaffa region that is currently being developed. “The development in this region is particularly future-oriented with planning being done in an exemplary process of participation”, Michael Jungmeier reported about the insights gained.
The conclusion and high point of the trip was an international conference: The country’s president, several government ministers and the representative from UNESCO Natarajan Ishwaran presented their views of the future of the country and discussed it with the experts.